Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July Fee-for-All

The free-for-all is a post where the homeowner is invited to make a comment on any topic pertaining to the Millcreek Place community.
To make or read a comment you need to click on the title and you will see all of the previous comments and a box to allow you to enter your comment. You can either sign your name or remain anonymous.


  1. Thanks for continuing the tradition of the Fourth of July parade. Our boys had fun riding their bikes even if the parade was a bit smaller than last year (no doubt last year being a local election year had a lot to do with that!) It's great to be in such a family friendly community!! Ricky & Pam Kennedy

  2. Heroes Amoung Us,

    Last Saturday Boy Scout Troop 416 (St. Marks United Methodist Church)embarked on the bus to hike a week at Wheeler Peak, NM with their beloved 47 year old troop leader, Ross Parker. On Tuesday at about 11,000 feet in the wilderness, Ross had a heart attack. One 14 year old boy scout, an assistant troop leader, and 2 guests performed CPR for about an hour to no avail. I believe there were about 14 people total on this trip. The Troop leaders son was among the group. Evening had already approached and search and rescue would not come in until the morning. The scouts guarded the body until 6 a.m. the next morning when search and rescue arrived. Then they made their way down to base camp in Red River, NM. They spent last night there and embarked the church bus for the ride home early this morning. A team also left here early this morning to retrieve Ross' son and bring him to his family and to add relief drivers. As you can imagine they are emotionally distraught and exhausted. However, the late Troop Leader Ross Parker, taught his scouts well. They became men on that trip. Their courage, strength, sacrifice, and love of mankind has made me a very proud American on this July 4th and gives me hope for the future of this country. As I type this, the young men are almost to Shreveport. Their ETA is about 3 a.m. July 5th at St. Marks United Methodist Church. Please pray for the family of Ross Parker and Troop 416. The 14 year old scout that helped with the CPR is my son. We live in Millcreek and are awaiting their arrival. Millcreek is a great community.

    1. Thank you Mr. Anonymous,

      Never be afraid to give your name. You have a very special son.
      We are a scouting family as all four of our sons are Eagle Scouts. We are very proud of them and the Boy Scout Program. There are many Millcreek families that have been involved with Scouting.

      Kind regards,
      Jo Hayes

    2. Hello Readers, Ross was my beloved husband. It's almost a month later and I'm still in shock. But scouts was Ross' mission field. The man loved scouting and all the principals it stood for. He was a man of great faith in God, and I pray that his legacy lives on in these boys. Thank you for your words.
      Missy Parker

  3. Why was the Maintenance Fund used to purchase picnic tables for the Club Lot? Shouldn't that expense be paid for by the Club members?

  4. The tables are available for all homeowners to use. They were placed there with the thought of developing a park like spot in the neighborhood. A place where you can go to have an outing when you might need more space than you have in your back yard. It was also thought that the teenagers might make use of as a spot to gather.

    There are other things needed to make it a real park like spot. The first thing is some fill dirt place at the rear of the lot raise it up. Then maybe some benches and a swing set where mothers can bring the toddlers to swing and socialize.

    Maybe a water drinking fountain for the walkers in the neighborhood would be a nice touch.

    You are encouraged to make use of the picnic tables.

  5. Is the Maintenance Fund paying legal expense for the Covenance change proposal, and if so by what authority?

